This dataset was once used by Scheetz, et al. (2006) and Huang, Ma and Zhang (2008). In this dataset, 120 twelve-week-old male rats were selected for tissue harvesting from the eyes and for microarray analysis. The microarrays used to analyze the RNA from the eyes of these rats contain 31, 042 different probe sets in the original data set. As done in Huang, Ma and Zhang (2008), exclude the probes that were not expressed sufficiently or that lacked sufficient variation. This leaves 18,976 probes which satisfy these two criteria. The response variable TRIM32, which was recently found to cause Bardet-Biedl syndrome (Chiang, et al, 2006), is one of the selected 18,976 probes. We then select 3,000 probes with the largest variances from the remaining 18, 975 probes. The goal of our analysis is to identify the genes that are most relevant to the expression level of TRIM32 from the 3,000 candidate genes. The response variable TRIM32 corresponds to the row with "1389163_at".